घर ख़रीदने से पहले इन बातों का रखें ध्यान, विश्वशनीय बिल्डर/ब्रोकर से करे सौदा

अपने जीवन भर की कमाई लगा कर यदि प्रॉपर्टी में निवेश करना चाहते हैं या अपना घर ख़रीदने का प्लान है तो इन बातों का अवश्य ध्यान रखें वरना उठाना पड़ सकता है बड़ा नुकसान..!

home buying tips

विशेषज्ञों की सलाह अवश्य लें

प्रॉपर्टी खरीदने से पहले आप अपने संपर्क में जो अच्छे जानकर व्यक्ति हो जिन्होंने हाल ही में कोई प्रॉपर्टी ली हो या जो प्रॉपर्टी संबंधी मामलों के जानकर हो उनकी सलाह अवश्य ले, इसके लिए अप किसी पेशेवर वकील या प्रॉपर्टी एजेंट की सर्विस ले सकते हैं। ऐसा करके आपको बेहतर विकल्प तलाशने में मदद मिलेगी तथा प्रॉपर्टी सौदों में होने वाले फ्रॉड से भी आसानी से बच पाएँगे।

सभी दस्तावेज़ अच्छे से जाँच ले

प्रॉपर्टी खरीदने से पहले प्रॉपर्टी संबंधी सभी दस्तावेज़ जैसे रजिस्ट्री, पट्टा, चैन ऑफ़ डाक्यूमेंट्स, लीज डीड तथा उस इलाके की डिटेल्स मास्टर प्लान में जाँच लेनी चाहिए, आस-पास की के बारे में भी सारी जानकारी जुटा लेनी चाहिए जिससे बाद में कोई दिक्कत का सामना नहीं करना पड़े तथा किसी भी प्रकार के कानूनी लफड़ों से बचा जा सके।

लंबे समय के लिए करें निवेश

यदि आप भूमि में निवेश करना चाहते हैं तो यह निश्चित  कर ले की आप लंबे समय में अच्छा रिटर्न कमाएँगे, इससे लिए ये भी आवश्यक है की आपका भूखंड किस एरिया में है और भविष्य में वाहन के लिए क्या संभावनाएं है, इससे आपको निवेश करने से पूर्व भविष्य में होने वाले लाभ का अनुमान लगाने में मदद मिलेगी।

शहर के आसपास तेजी से विकसित होते क्षेत्रों का करें चुनाव

शहर से लगते हुए या शहरी शहर क्षेत्र में उन इलाकों का चुनाव करें जहाँ तेज़ी से विकास हो रहा है, स्कूल, कॉलेज, रेजिडेंशियल प्रोजेक्ट्स और सरकारी दफ्तर मास्टर प्लान के अनुसार आ रहे हों, ऐसे संभावित क्षेत्रों में निवेश कर आप भविष्य में अच्छा लाभ कमा सकते हैं।

सस्ती दरों पर उदयपुर में अच्छी कनवर्टेड प्रॉपर्टी ख़रीदने के लिए आप हमें कॉल कर सकते हैं, फ़ोन +91- 9119119798.


शहरों के संग शिविर में यू.आई.टी. पट्टे की प्रक्रिया, शुल्क एवं नियम संबंधी सम्पूर्ण जानकारी, दस हजार पट्टे देने का रखा लक्ष्य

उदयपुर. 2 अक्टूबर से शुरू होने वाले प्रशासन शहरों के संग शिविर को लेकर नगर विकास प्रन्यास (यूआईटी) उदयपुर व नगर निगम ने सभी तैयारियां पूरी कर ली गई है। राज्य सरकार ने पूरे प्रदेश में दस लाख पट्टे का लक्ष्य रखा है और इसी कड़ी में यूआईटी ने शहर में दस हजार भूमि पट्टे के आवंटन का लक्ष्य रखा। इसी कड़ी में यू.आई.टी. एग्रीकल्चर ज़मीनों पर बने मकानों के भी पट्टे देगी।

शहरों के संग शिविर में यू.आई.टी. द्वारा निम्नलिखित को दिया जाएगा पट्टा

  • कृषि भूमि पर बने मकानों को
  • पुरानी बसावट वाले इलाकों में
  • यूआईटी के स्वयं के बनाए फ्लैट के
  • महाराणा के समय के दस्तावेजों पर
  • यूआईटी ने पहले दिन देगी 1 हजार पट्टे

पट्टे की दरें क्या रहेंगी

यू.आई.टी द्वारा दिए जाने वाले पट्टे की दरें 100 रूपये से 115 रूपये प्रति स्क्वायर फीट तय की गयी है, तथा 17 जून 1990 से पुराने भूखंडों पर 30 रूपये स्क्वायर फ़ीट की दर तय की गयी है।

राज्य सरकार की ओर से तय शुल्क से ज्यदा वसूलने पर होगी कठोर कार्यवाही

यू.आई.टी.-निगम के खाते में जमा होने वाली राशी अलग से, ज्यादा लेने पर होगी कठोर कार्यवाही। पट्टे के आवंटन एवं शुल्क के साथ ही सरकार ने नगर मित्रों के शुल्क को भी फिक्स कर दिया है, नगर मित्रों का शुल्क 750 रूपये से चालू होकर अधिकतम 1.50 लाख रूपये होगा इसमें नक्शा बनवाने से लेकर फ़ाइल चार्ज और फ़ाइल को कम्पलीट कर विभाग तक पंहुचाने तक की ज़िम्मेदारी होगी।

राज्य सरकार की ओर से तय शुल्क से ज्यदा वसूलने की शिकायत पर होगी कठोर कार्यवाही की जाएगी। सरकार ने जो सेवा शुल्क तय किया है वो केवल नगर मित्रों का काम करने का शुल्क है, इसके अतिरिक्त जो भी निकाय शुल्क होगा वोह अलग से देय होगा।

यू आई टी व नगर निगम ने इस अभियान के लिए सभी तैयारियां पूरी कर ली गई है और यू आई टी परिसर में कैंप और टेंट लगाये जा रहे हैं, शिविर में आने वाले आवेदनों को तय प्रक्रिया के अनुसार पट्टों का आवंटन किया जाएगा, इसी कड़ी में यू आई टी उदयपुर ने पहले ही दिन 1000 पट्टे लोगों को देने का लक्ष्य रखा है।

क्यों ज़रूरी है पट्टा?

जो मकान व भवन कृषि भूमि पर बना दिए गए है उनके पास उस संपत्ति की खातेदारी या कब्ज़ा तो होता है परन्तु आवास के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ जो यू आई दी द्वारा दिया जाता है जिसें आम भाषा में "पट्टा" कहा जाता है वोह नहीं होता, और पट्टे के आभाव में कोई भी सरकारी बैंक या प्राइवेट बैंक उस प्रॉपर्टी पर लोन नहीं देता है तथा भूमि बेचने एवं स्वामित्व हस्तांतरण सम्बन्धी समस्याएँ होती है।

इन सभी समस्याओं और भूमि दलालों द्वारा किये जाने वाले फर्जीवाड़े से लोगों को बचाने के लिए यू आई टी पट्टों का आवंटन करती है, मकान मालिकों द्वारा यू आई टी से पट्टा उठा लिए जाने पर वे आसानी से बैंक लोन का लाभ भी उठा पाएँगे साथ ही यदि किसी ने गैर बैंकिंग वित्तीय कंपनी (NBFC) से लोन ले रखा है तो उन्हें ब्याज दरों में भी फायदा मिलेगा।

यूआईटी ने कर ली हैं बिना पट्टों वाली कॉलोनियां चिन्हित

यूआईटी ने शहर में पट्टों के आवंटन से पहले ऐसी सारी कॉलोनियां चिन्ह्ति कर ली हैं जिनमें लोगों के पास पट्टे नहीं है, तथा पट्टा देने सम्बन्धी सभी तैयारियां पूरी कर ली गयी है. पट्टा देने के लिए उन चिन्हित कॉलोनियों का लेआउट प्लान पास करवाने के साथ उन्हें 90-ए में कन्वर्ट किया जाएगा। कॉलोनियों का 90-ए में कन्वर्ट होते ही शिविरों में कॉलोनी वाइज तारीख तय कर दी जाएगी और उसी दिन उनको पट्टे देने की प्रक्रिया शुरू की जाएगी।

यूआईटी उदयपुर सचिव श्री अरुण हासिजा का कहना है की शिविर को लेकर हमारी तैयारियां पूरी हो चुकी है। यू.आई.टी. ने बिना पट्टे वाली कई कॉलोनियों का सर्वे करवा दिया है जिससे वहां के लोगों को जल्दी से पट्टे दिए जा सके, साथ ही बड़े स्तर पर टीम शिविर को लेकर ही काम कर रही है। आमजन को असुविधा न हो इसके लिए यू.आई.टी. परिसर में जगह जगह हेल्प डेस्क लगाए जा रहे हैं।

अभियान की निगरानी में लगाए रिटायर्ड अधिकारी

प्रशासन शहरों के संग अभियान के लिए राज्य सरकार ने सेवानिवृत्त अधिकारियों की नियुक्ति की है। इन सेवानिवृत्त अधिकारियों में रिटायर्ड आरएएस और चीफ टाउन प्लानर्स को बातैर ऑर्ब्जवर और सलाहकार के तौर पर लगाया है।

यह सभी अधिकारी अपने-अपने कार्यक्षेत्र की निकायों में लगने वाले शिविर की मॉनिटरिंग करेंगे। उदयपुर संभाग में सीनियर टाउन से रिटायर्ड हुए एस.के. श्रीमाली एवं आर.पी. शर्मा को लगाया गया है।

पट्टा विलेख के नये प्रारूप जारी

सरकार द्वारा स्थानीय निकायों द्वारा जरी किये जाने वाले विभिन्न पट्टों के नये प्रारूप भी जारी कर दिए हैं, जिनमे आवासीय पट्टों के लिए पिला, व्यवसायिक के लिए लाल, मिश्रित उपयोग के लिए लाल, संस्थागत पट्टों के लिए नीला, इंडस्ट्रियल के लिए बेंगनी और 69-ए के पट्टे के लिए हेरिटेज गेरू रंग का उपयोग किया जाएगा।

पट्टों की शर्तें

  1. पट्टा धारक द्वारा भूखंड/निर्मित क्षेत्र का उपयोग वही किया जाएगा जिस उपयोग के लिए पट्टा विलेख जारी किया गया है।
  2. पट्टा धारक उक्त भूखंड को विक्रय या अन्य प्रकार से हस्तांतरित कर सकेगा तथा भूखंड को उप-पट्टे (सब-लीज) पर भी दे सकेगा।
  3. उक्त भूखंड के विक्रय/हस्तांतरण पर क्रेता पक्ष के नाम परिवर्तन के लिए निकाय में निर्धारित शुल्क के साथ आवेदन कर हस्तांतरण किया जा सकेगा।
  4. पट्टे को किसी भी बैंक/सरकार/जीवन बिमा/ऋणदाता संस्थाओं के पास बंधक (मॉर्गेज)) रखा जा सकेगा, जिसके लिए स्थानीय निकाय के अनापत्ति प्रमाण पत्र की आवश्यकता नहीं होगी।
  5. भूखंड पर भवन निर्माण प्रचलित भवन निर्माण के मानदंडों के तहत करना होगा।

क्या है यूआईटी?

शहर विकास प्राधिकरण यू.आई.टी. उदयपुर उदयपुर शहर के व्यवस्थित शहरी विकास के लिए प्रतिबद्ध एक सहकारी संगठन है। यह नागरिकों को पारदर्शी और बेहतर सेवाएं प्रदान करने के लिए समर्पित है।


House for sale in Udaipur 20 Lacs

Buying a 2 BHK house is ideal for a 3-5 family member in Udaipur 900-1500 Sqft area available for Two Bedroom independent house for sale in udaipur. It offers a luxury living with safety in the heart of the udaipur city. An integrated development with vast open spaces, lush greens, world-class amenities, it is now ready to move.

house for sale in udaipur 20 lac

Property Description

Bed Rooms: 2 & 3 Bedroom    |    Bath Rooms: 3    |    Parking    |    Balcony    |    Facing: E,W,N
Built Up Area: 1200 sq.ft.        |    Plot Area: 1000 sq.ft.             |    Carpet Area: 1200 sq.ft.
Possession Status: Ready to move    |    Sale Status: New            |    Age of Construction: New

Common Area Flooring: Marble Flooring    |    Floor allowed for construction: 3

Ownership Type:
Parking Type: Four Wheeler Open Air - Two Wheeler Covered
Water Supply: Bore water    |    Width of road facing property: 30-40 feet, 60 feet, 80 feet, 100 feet & 200 feet

Nearby Facilities

Flower Garden, School, ATM, Worship, Water Plant, Bank, Pipe Gas, Shopping Center - Retail Shop, 24 Hours Water Supply, Kids Club, Strolling Cycling and Jogging Track, Shopping Center. It is an owner posted property which is also close to various schools and markets and is reasonably priced.

Working since 2015, Udaipur Property Group has been involved in construction of residential projects. It has successfully completed 30 projects. Our 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK & 5 BHK villas and luxurious residences, shops, offices and commercial building offer opulent amenities beyond imagination.

For Site visit, just call us at +91 9119119798 and our community expert will give you full support.


Where to Stay in Udaipur - Enjoy a Perfect Holiday

This guide tells you which area to stay in Udaipur, depending on what do you want to do there as a tourist and your budget.

List of Best Areas to stay in Udaipur

Udaipur host millions of tourists round the year. So, if you are also planning to visit Udaipur, or searching for best areas to find stay in Udaipur, Below list would really be helpful for you. Let's checkout the list of Best Areas to live in Udaipur.

Best Areas to stay in Udaipur

1. Old City Near Lake Pichola (Downtown Udaipur)

Udaipur old city should be your first preference if you really want to explore the majestic beauty of the city with rich taste of culture and heritage. Hotels at the beautiful shore of lake pichola are ready to become your dream stay during your trip to Udaipur city. Here you will experience the glory of royal rajputana era at narrow alleys, colorful shops and locals.

This place has several tourist destination including City Palace, Jagdish Temple, Gangaur Ghat, Barog Ki Haveli, Nao Ghat, Ambrai Ghat, Gangaur Ghat etc. Udaipur Old City is favorite place of foreign travelers to stay, it has all type of hotels from budget to luxurious.

2. Near Fateh Sagar Lake

If you have packed your bags for honeymoon in Udaipur, then you must book your hotel near Fateh Sagar Lake. Fateh Sagar lake is one of the major tourist attraction in Udaipur and the most loved hangout spot of udaipurites due to the immence beauty of lakes having calm atmosphere and availablity of adventure boat ride into lake.

3. Consider Hiran Magri for Business Trip

If you with to stay at the place which is well connected y with all business and eductaion centers across city, then this area is recommended for your. Hiran Magri is devided into sectors & it is a major residential area. These sectors are believed to be the one safest place for business travelers that offers easy access to all the necessary this including transportation, bus stand, grocery market,  railway station and supermarkets.

Hiran Magri has some really affordable budget hotels with all necessary amenities.

4. Near City Railway Station & Roadways Bus Stand

ourist who travel by bus or train, dont need to worry about good hotels near City Railway Station and Roadways Bus Stand. There are so many hotels near railway station & bus stand that offers all facilities at very resonable rates. Hotels tariff starts from Rupees 500 that goes up to 6000 depending upon hotel you stay in this area.

5. Go Private in Udaipur (Areas: Near Badi Lake, Udai Sagar Lake, Kodiat Road)

If you want to book your stay at very peaceful place and with  complete privacy keeping in mind, then you should definetly book your stay at hotels near Badi Lake, Udai Sagar Lake or at Kodiat Village Road.

All of above mentioned areas are located on the outskirts of Udaipur city that has some of really beautiful resorts set amidst lap of mother nature. Some of the five star hotels are available for stay in these areas.

Call us at +91-9119119798 to Buy/Sell/Rent 2, 3 & 4 BHK Apartments in Udaipur.

*All images are copyright to their respective owners.


मात्र 11 लाख में प्रीमियम क्वालिटी अफोर्डेबल हाउस - Affordable Housing in Udaipur

उदयपुर प्रॉपर्टी ग्रुप दे रहा है कम कीमत में प्रीमियम क्वालिटी अफोर्डेबल हाउस, मौजूदा दौर अफोर्डेबल हाउसिंग का है और सरकार की आवास योजनाओं के तहत सबके पास अपना खुद का घर होगा, उदयपुर शहर में भी सस्ते और अफोर्डेबल हाउसिंग के मांग को देखते हुए तथा आमजन के किरायदार से मकान मालिक बनने के सपने को साकार करने के लिए और  सरकार द्वारा चलाई जा रही आवास योजनाओं की सब्सिडी और लाभ आम जनता तक पहुँचाने का जिम्मा उदयपुर प्रॉपर्टी ग्रुप ने उठाया है।

Udaipur Property Group के सेल्स मैनेजर ने इन प्रोजेक्ट्स की जानकारी देते हुए बताया की हम बिलकुल कम कीमतों में उदयपुर की सबसे प्राइम लोकेशन जैसे न्यू नवरत्न, तितरड़ी, BSF कैंप राठोड़ों का गुड़ा, देबारी, अम्बेरी तथा ढिंकली में बेस्ट क्वालिटी के ऐसे फ्लैट्स दे रहें हैं जो सर्व सुविधा युक्त हैं और आम जनता इसें आसानी से खरीद पाएं।

यह सभी प्रोजेक्ट मुख्यमंत्री आवास योजना के अंतर्गत राजस्थान के नंबर 1 अफोर्डेबल हाउसिंग प्रोजेक्ट है, तथा यहाँ आमजन की सुविधा की सारी वस्तुएं हाउसिंग सोसाइटी में ही मौजूद रहेंगी।

सारे फ्लैट्स वास्तु के अनुरूप

उदयपुर प्रॉपर्टी ग्रुप के इस प्रोजेक्ट में सभी फ्लैट्स वास्तु के अनुरूप बनाए गये हैं तथा प्रत्येक फ्लैट की डिजाईन और दिशा में वास्तु का खास ख्याल रखा गया है, साथ ही 70% खुला एरिया और गार्डन भी दिए गये हैं

अफोर्डेबल हाउसिंग फ्लैट्स के फीचर्स

  • मॉडर्न डिज़ाइन
  • प्रीमियम क्वालिटी कंस्ट्रक्शन
  • किड्स प्ले एरिया
  • हरा भरा गार्डन
  • पावर बैकअप
  • लिफ़्ट
  • गेटेड सोसाइटी
  • डिपार्टमेंटल स्टोर
  • 24/7 CCTV कैमरा सिक्योरिटी (कॉमन एरिया)
  • फ्री पार्किंग
  • इनडोर गेम्स
  • कॉमन वाशरूम (ग्राउंड फ़्लोर पर)
  • गार्ड रूम
  • आसान किश्तों पर लोन

आपके सपनों का घर अब आपके बजट में

अफोर्डेबल हाउसिंग के इस हाउसिंग प्रोजेक्ट ने आपके सपनों का अपना घर पाने का सपना पूरा कर दिया है, 1 BHK अब मात्र 11.5 लाख रुपए से शुरू  2 BHK अब मात्र 17 लाख रुपए से शुरू. यह प्रोजेक्ट रेरा रजिस्टर्ड है और 2.5 लाख तक की ब्याज सब्सिडी भी दी जा रही है. साथ ही 90 प्रतिशत तक लोन सुविधा उपलब्ध

उदयपुर प्रॉपर्टी ग्रुप से निवेश के लिए भी संपर्क कर सकते हैं 

आप अपने प्रॉपर्टी निवेश को बेहतर बनाना चाहते हैं तो भी UdaipurPropertyGroup.com से संपर्क कर सकते हैं, अभी कॉल करें +91- 9119119798


Farm House in Udaipur - For Sale & Rent

Imperial farm house, surrounded by a lush green aravali mountain range and located on the suburbs of Udaipur City; Imperial farms offers you a luxurious and peaceful lifestyle at the same time. Packed with all ultra-modern facilities including swimming pool, rain dance, cottages, rooms, ten house and a dedicated space for organic farming, Each farmhouse has an uninterrupted view of the valley.

We know your desire to rejuvenate with family close with the mother nature, Our farmhouses in udaipur are designed to make your life more joyful and relaxed. Trust us, you will get the best experience of life here. Imperial farm house bringing together nature, luxury and privacy, to create a rare living experience in the heart of the city.

From private pool to gazebo to personal walkway to cottage style room, everything is designed to fulfill your dream desire. Our premium farmhouses are available from 6500 square feet.  The price starts from INR 120 per sq. ft. and you have to at least buy 6500 square feet.

farm house for sale in udaipur, farm house in udaipur

Private Pool Villas

At Imperial farm houses Udaipur, each private pool villa farm house sits on its own plot of land, each farm house is completely separated from its neighbor, and every villa has a private pool and landscaped garden. Every element of the farm house is of the highest quality, the villas themselves designed by renowned architect.

*Exception: For corner plots and plots near lake, you just have to pay an extra 15% PLC.

Feature & Design

Offering multi-level residences & plots at our farm house sites, Luxurious Clubhouse & Spa with 2/3 BHK furnished villas with 5 star amenities.

  • Private, hillside gated community with terraced villas.
  • Each villa set on independent plots starting size of 6500 sq.ft.
  • Private pools and landscaped gardens in all villas.
  • Multi-level residences & Plots
  • Open Kitchen Plans with Traditional Features
  • Natural Light from Every Angle
  • Floor-to-ceiling windows in the sitting area or living room
  • Over- sized windows in the kitchen
  • Doors with wide-angle views of the outdoors
  • Arched Ceilings in Some Areas
  • Integrated Front Porch
Farm house for sale in udaipur providing easy access to a luxury lifestyle, it is conveniently located within a 30 mins drive from Udaipur as well as smooth connectivity to most parts of the city. We invite you to own your own magnificent private farm house pool villa. You may call it an investment or call it a home away from home amid lap of mother nature.

If you want to buy property in udaipur, Call us at +91 - 9119119798

Udaipur Properties: Property for Sale - Buy Property in Udaipur

Buying a Property in Udaipur

Definitely properties in Udaipur are one the safest and profitable investments anyone could make. Flexible real estate regularity act RERA of India has made it more safe and secure. So many options including independent houses, apartments, villas, farm houses, townhouses, penthouses and commercial space are available for sale, there are enough choices for investors. Developed medical, educational and tourism sector attract investors from around the world, whether it’s a big-time investor or someone looking to purchase property for personal use.

properties in udaipur

Right after pandemic Udaipur's property market is recovering by 200 percent, Udaipur's real estate sector is playing a leading role in driving the successful development of economy of the state. Specially End-users and first-time buyers are leading the turnaround for the property market. Mortgage-backed deals too are on the increase, as residents with longer term plans to be in the country switch from renting to actually buying a home.

Many senior citizens and people from other cities even from metro cities choose to move to this beautiful city of lakes because of safety, security and peace they find in Udaipur. People who come to udaipur for job or business, most of the time, they end up buying an apartment or villa to live in.

People choose buying and selling property in Udaipur, this is one of the best ways to earn a lot of money in a short span of time.

Types of Properties in Udaipur

Properties in udaipur come in all shapes and sizes according to budgets and interest of the people. Starting with 1 BHK or 1 RK studio apartments, the most popular type of property in udaipur comes with 2 bathroom and round 1000 square feet of land area. Two-bed apartments with 2 baths and 800 sq. ft. of floor space seems to be the most prefered choice here. People having joint family generally consider a 3 bhk flats in Udaipur, even 4 bhk as per requirements.

Majority of local udaipurites & rajasthani people prefer to buy plots in udaipur to build a house for their own, second choice of the locals is to buy ready to move independent house or villa for sale in Udaipur.

Number of options are available for those looking into buying a farm house in Udaipur of their own, they will find choices ranging from 5000 square feet land area with 500 square feet of construction consist of 1-bed to 1 lac square feet land area with 10,000 square feet of construction including swimming pool and all modern amenities with 4 bhk.

Popular areas to purchase property in Udaipur

At top of the list is suburbs of the outskirts of Udaipur including Titardi, Dakan Kotra, Dhinkli, NH 76, and Kavita. These newly established community spans provides an affordable residential solutions having large living spaces with cleaner and greener surroundings at the same time.

The reason for its popularity is not only due to its low property prices but also its easy connectivity with main schools, hospitals, colleges, market, airport, bus stand, railway station and old city. Property here can be purchased for much lower rates as compared to purchasing in more populated areas like shobhagpura, navratan in Udaipur.

Property rates in Udaipur

For those people interested in buying property in Udaipur, the typical 1 bhk flat will start from INR 14 Lacs. On other side most popular 2 bhk apartment with 2 bath will cost round 18 to 25 lacs depending upon society, building and amenities offered. If someone is looking for luxurious 3 or 4 bhk full furnished flats with gym, club house, community hall, secured dual parking and other luxury amenities will will start from INR 40 lacs. Moving on, depending on the size and location. The price for a typical commercial space in Udaipur can be anywhere from INR 10,000 rupees per square feet to INR 18,000 rupees square feet. Considering all above factors, it is visible that there are huge range of options including flats in udaipur are available as per need, preference and budget.

If you are willing to buy suitable property in Udaipur, or you want to get free property consultation, Call us at +91 - 9119119798. 

Way to Happiness of Your Dream Home in Akme Sarvoday

If you are searching for pocket-friendly residential project in Udaipur, then you are at the right place. Come and take a look of this place surrounded by aravali mountain range, amazingly constructed to fulfill the desires of home buyers in best possible manner. Builder proudly presenting, Akme Sarvoday, which aims to create benchmark of luxury living in budget by bringing top class architects, interior designers and quality construction material altogether. Providing picturesque view of majestic Udaipur city surrounding the high rise iconic residential apartment towers in this gated community.

Akme Sarvoday Affordable Housing

Akme Sarvoday affordable housing offers 1 BHK & 2 BHK flat with starting size of 1 bhk is 500 sq ft and 2 bhk flat with the property size of 780 sq ft for a budget-friendly experience. This project offers high-class amenities like a lifts, fire systems, kids play area, clubhouse, retail shops, car parking, 24/7 water, swimming pool and many more.

For security purposes, residents will get entry through the security check access system. If you are looking for property for investment and planning to buy a flats in udaipur with the best resale values then Akme Sarvoday is the right choice for you. Few plots for sale are also available within this project. This project is effectively connected to Old city region and close to necessities like banks, ATMs, healthcare centers, leading educational institutions, and many more important places.

So what are you waiting for now? Don’t get delay! Book yours now!! Call: +91 - 911911 9798.


UIT Converted Plots in Udaipur - For Sale

Udaipur Property Group is among Udaipur’s leading digital real estate advisory firms offering a one-stop platform for buying UIT converted residential plots in Udaipur. Our residential projects are inspired by the concept – “Life with Nature” and is all about healthy home. About 40 percent of the area has been assigned for utilities.

Our company has earned its reputation because of its Customer First policy which gives customers low matched price, excellent customer service and attractive offers to help its customers invest in their dream property.


At Udaipur Property Group we have residential projects considered as one of the finest villas and plots in Udaipur, designed in the international style of architecture with modern facilities, it exhibits pleasant harmony of contemporary life and world-class living.


UIT converted residential plots are located close to the local English Medium & Public School, and walking distance to the national highway. There, you can lose yourself in the main monuments and tourist attractions such as the lakes, aravali mountain range or the public parks or instead you can make the most of all kinds of commerce and services available.

The access to our residential project, the main road link in Udaipur, is 200 meters away and the Airport of Udaipur is about 30 mins away by car.

Selling plots in Udaipur with all amenities hospital, school and collage near by. Find properties from all areas of Udaipur like Amberi, Titardi, Shobhagpura and Dakan Kotra. Its a golden opportunity to invest in Udaipur.


Today, the real estate industry in Udaipur has become one of the major investment sectors for the residents of Udaipur and NRIs (Non Resident Indian). This industry is playing an important role in the formation of the Rajasthan’s economy in the present economic situation.

Since udaipur is one of the major tourist places in India and also known as hot favorite city for destination weddings. Indian government has chosen Udaipur for the Smart Cities Mission is to drive economic growth and improve the quality of life of people, due to this there are various developments and elevations which are taking place in the real estate sector in Udaipur with more number of apartments in Udaipur and owning to this, real estate is growing on a fast pace.

A key factor for the development of udaipur real estate is the kind of policies adopted by the state government to enable easy investments in the industrial and the economic sector in the state. The real estate sector in Udaipur is one of the major revenue generating sectors in the state even in corona pendemic. The growth of real estate’s sector directly influences the economy of Rajasthan.

Owning a property in Udaipur is one of the greatest assets and is one of the most profitable investments in Rajasthan.


  1. Developed tourism sector of Udaipur, High demand of land for hotels, resorts and farm houses. Growing economy, increasing purchase power of people and demand for real estate sector.
  2. Demand for thousands of square feet for residential plots, offices and commercial space in Udaipur.
  3. Real estate sector of Udaipur creates huge returns. So many NRIs are making a huge profit out of their investment in real estate in Udaipur.
  4. Increasing presence of number of renowned brand outlets and company offices in Udaipur.
  5. Development in various other sectors like Healthcare, Education, Information Technology, Tourism, Jewelry, Food Processing and more will in turn attract more investors in real estate Udaipur.
To buy property in Udaipur, Call: +91 - 911 911 9798.

Flats for Sale in Udaipur | Residential Apartments

The Affordable Housing Project is an embodiment of luxury living and comfort in budget with its ultra-modern spacious living spaces that make your flat a dream home and your life a celebration each day.


Flats for sale in Udaipur's are located at well connected prime location, and having more than 70% of open area within the premises. It has all the amenities and cosmopolitan living. The splendorous architecture with wide PVC windows and specious balconies and expansive lush green areas are the door the heath with fresh air and sunlight reaching every corner of your dream home. Safe drinking water and toilets are some of the facilities included in every project that helps us to serve the society in a better manner.

The uniqueness of this premium affordable housing lies in the range of residential options it offers. Flats and entire township is well-planned. It has been conceptualized keeping the all modern needs of all age groups in mind.

Udaipur Affordable Housing Project Amenities

  • Free Parking
  • Gated Township
  • Senior Citizen Park
  • Convenience Store
  • Water Recycling
  • Children Play Area
  • Power Backup
  • Badminton Court
  • Cricket Pitch
  • Community Hall
  • Lift
  • 24x7 Security
  • Fire Fighting Systems

Construction Specifications

  • Flooring- Vitrified Tiles 2 x 2
  • Kitchen Platform with SS Sink - [Granite - Rajasthan Black or Equivalent]
  • Windows & Sliders - Aluminium Section [Sliding]
  • Wiring - [Poly Cab/ Anchor/Vimal/KEI or Other Equivalent ISI mark Brand]
  • Switches - Modular Switches
  • Tiles - Branded tiles upto 7' O" in Toilets
  • C.P. Fitting - [Cera/Hindware/Plumber or Other Equivalent Brand]
  • Sanitary ware - [Hindware / Cera or Other Equivalent Brand]
  • Doors - Both side laminated flush doors
  • Plumbing- [Astral/ Fino lex or Other Equivalent Brand]
  • Lift- [Kone/ Omega/ JOHNSON or Other Equivalent Brand]
  • Steel- TATA, Gallant, Rathi, JSW, Kamdhenu or other equivalent brand !FE 415 / FE500]
  • Finishing - Sandla on interior walls

From central garden to clubhouse and kids play area, everything has been designed with care and thought. A well-protected gated community with 24*7 security makes safety, opulence and peace a way of life at this affordable housing project in Udaipur.

The group is offering premium housing establishments at most affordable rates making it possible to experience luxury standard of living in budget. Buying a premium quality dream home in our projects at affordable price in Udaipur is the best decision.

Book flats for sale in Udaipur, Call +91-9119119798.


Property for Sale in Udaipur - Udaipur Real Estate

Find Perfect Property in Udaipur - Plot, Land, Villa, Flat, Apartment, House, Office Space commercial & residential property for buy sale, rent in Udaipur.

house for sale in udaipur

We at Udaipur Property Group selling UIT converted plots, houses and flats in Udaipur, Rajasthan. Udaipur Property Group Network is the most trustworthy Property Dealers in Udaipur offering property buying and selling services in Udaipur that ensures hassle free dealing process to the clients.

Plots in Udaipur

Buy Residential Plots in Udaipur & UIT converted property in Udaipur by consulting the best Real Estate Broker in Udaipur, UPG Network.

Udaipur Property Group Network also known as UPG Network, ensures tranparent property dealing process, which will render unparalleled quality and maximum return. It fulfils the desires of hunderends of families to own a home.

Flats in Udaipur

Buy, Sell, Rent & List best Real Estate properties in Udaipur. You can also get rental home of your choice from Udaipur's Largest Property Management Platform. Flat units are also available in various configurations like 1 BHK / 2BHK / 3 BHK unfurnished, Semi-Furnished & Fully Furnished apartments.

At Udaipur Property Group you can enjoy:

  1. Spacious & extravagant living spaces
  2. Safe and secure living
  3. Fresher and cleaner air
  4. Child-friendly environment
  5. Proper network coverage
  6. Uninterrupted water and power supply
  7. Close to the main markets of the city
  8. Well Connect to Airport, Railway Station & Bus Stand
  9. Environment sustainability

With Udaipur Property Group, you can buy luxury residential apartments in Udaipur with quality construction, lifestyle and security. Our flats consist of beautiful architecture, high-tech facilities and ample exposure to nature at affordable prices that gives you an experience of luxury living.

To buy plots, flats or house in udaipur, Call us at +91-9119119798.


Flats for Rent in Udaipur | Apartments, Penthouse, Builder Floor

Spacious flat, floor and villa available on rent for families, bachelors, students and company. Fully verified rental homes in Udaipur at Lowest Rental Guaranteed.

We are udaipur based real estate consultants having experienced team of realty experts which provide the best suited rental solutions in the most accurate and reliable way. We help find, book rental homes of choice.

Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to find your ideal property to rent or buy. We assist with legal formalities, agreement, move-in, provide home maintenance services from cleaning, damages to rent payment & even move-out.

Flats for rent in Udaipur

Flats For Rent In Shobhagpura Udaipur

Among the prime locations of Udaipur, Shobhagpura is one of the fastest growing areas. Shobhagpura is the choice of many home buyers.

There are many schools like DPS, hospitals including JK Paras (Formerly JK Fortis), Showrooms & restaurants in the vicinity of the area and that is the reason why opting for flats for rent in Shobhagpura is a wise choice.

Flats For Rent In Navratna Complex Udaipur

The Navratna Complex area in Udaipur is the most sought after & the largest living colony in Udaipur having more than 50 gated residential projects within. One of the reasons for it is the extensive connectivity to all the key areas of the City.

It is well connected with airport, popular schools, hospitals and entertainment areas and malls like celebration and urban square. Opting flats for rent in Navratna Complex will be the most ideal choice for you and your family.

1 BHK Flats For Rent in Udaipur

Carefully designed furnished or semi furnished 1 BHK flats for rent in Udaipur is the choice for most of the students, newly wed couples and working professionals. It is a best option for people who are looking forward to living in economical spaces and sharing their residencies.

2 BHK Flats For Rent In Udaipur

If you having nuclear family, then you can choose from a wide range 2 BHK flats for rent in Udaipur. Modern design semi-furnished and furnished 2 BHK flats located at prime locations and safe & secure for your family. Safe and secure rooms with Professional housekeeping and amenities in all our flats.

3 BHK Flats For Rent In Udaipur

Spacious 3 BHK flats are the best choice if you live in a joint family. Big spaces for you and your family to host perfect family get-together. Find perfect flat as per your choice in any high-rise with best in class amenities in your budget.

Udaipur Property offers luxury villas, residential apartments & plots at affordable price. Call us at +91-9119119798 to Buy/Sell/Rent 2, 3 & 4 BHK Apartments in Udaipur.


Flats in Udaipur : Buy Sell Properties, Flats, Apartments, Penthouse

Udaipur Property Group offers 2/3/4 BHK flats in Udaipur. Each apartment/flat has been beautifully designed are set within a gated township and located in the prime areas, these residential projects have excellent connectivity to medical facilities, shopping centers & schools.

UPG Network's portfolio includes affordable flats, fully furnished apartments and UIT converted plots which make them one of the most trusted builders and developers in Udaipur.

Flats in Udaipur

Our flats are known for having luxury internal design and layouts that ensure optimum usage of available space, and let the natural light and fresh air come in. While keeping quality of construction and customer satisfaction in mind, because customer satisfaction is our strength and consider our customers as part of the family. We focuses on delivering eminence and true value for money.

Udaipur Property Group brings you a wide range of residential ready to move in flats for sale with best amenities and features.

Buy Premium 2/3 BHK Flats which gives you comfort, style and elegance you deserve. Call Us Now at +91-9119119798. Book A site Visit Now or Get Virtual Tour Online. Attractive Offers.


Plots in Udaipur | Find Your Next Home

Find plots for sale in Udaipur. Meet network agents who can help you buy or sell plots in udaipur. Search for premium properties, investment properties and other real estate in Udaipur, Rajasthan. 

plots in udaipur
We discuss in details with the buyers and sellers of all economic, social and demographic status before suggesting any property. This has helped us collect considerable data on demand and supply in the udaipur real estate market.

At Udaipur Property Group Network aka UPG Network we understand customers requirement in depth and to fit each clients needs to deliver best results.

Udaipur property helping customers, both families and corporates, achieve their dream homes. The Group is now one of the top builders in Udaipur and the most trusted brand in real estate.

Buy East and West Facing 1000 sq.ft. residential plots on 30, 40, 60, 80,100 and 200 ft. road at affordable rates. Call Today for the UIT Converted Plot For Sale in Udaipur. Call us +91-9119119798


House for Sale in Udaipur

Independent House for Sale in Udaipur

Udaipur Property Group widely known as UPG Network is flagship company offers property buying, selling and custom independent house/flats selling service in Udaipur, at affordable costs.  Find 2 BHK, 3 BHK Houses, Flats and Farm House for sale at Shobhagpura, Bhuwana, Bedla, Syphon, Fatehpura, Bhopalpura, Savina, Titardi, Nela, Sector 9, Sector 11, Sector 12, Sector 13, Sector 14, Jeevan Tara, Balicha and Navratan area of Udaipur.

house for sale in udaipur

Specification of 2 BHK & 3 BHK Houses

Bed Rooms: 2 & 3 Bedroom    |    Bath Rooms: 3    |    Parking    |    Balcony    |    Facing: E,W,N
Built Up Area: 1200 sq.ft.        |    Plot Area: 1000 sq.ft.             |    Carpet Area: 1200 sq.ft.
Possession Status: Ready to move    |    Sale Status: New            |    Age of Construction: New

Common Area Flooring: Marble Flooring    |    Floor allowed for construction: 3

Ownership Type:
Parking Type: Four Wheeler Open Air - Two Wheeler Covered
Water Supply: Municipal water, Bore water    |    Width of road facing property: 30 feet & 40 feet

Property Description

These are ready to move villa / individual house is located in Shobhagpura, Bhuwana, Bedla, Syphon, Fatehpura, Bhopalpura, Titardi, RK Puram Savina, Udaipur. Semi Furnished with all Interiors, tiles flooring, fixtures and fittings, High Quality Construction with Column beam structure, Pillars, Teak Wood Doors and windows. Ground Floor has Car Parking, Room with attached Bathroom and common let-bath, Hall, and Dining, Common Bathroom & Open Terrace.
For Water there is Own Borewell, Best for residential purpose also can be used as it is for Office Purpose, Corporate Guest House & Office, or can be converted for Commercial Purpose.

Nearby Facilities

Flower Garden, School, ATM, Worship, Water Plant, Bank, Pipe Gas, Shopping Center - Retail Shop, 24 Hours Water Supply, Kids Club, Strolling Cycling and Jogging Track, Shopping Center. It is an owner posted property which is also close to various schools and markets and is reasonably priced.
For Site visit and to know more about Duplex House For Sale at Shobhagpura, Bhuwana, Bedla, Syphon, Fatehpura, Bhopalpura, Titardi Udaipur, just call us at +91 9119119798 and our community expert will give you full support.



Residential Areas in Udaipur - Top 5

Udaipur is knows as one of the most peaceful and family friendly city in the world, offering a plethora of high value, safe, secure and best property options for inverters.

There are several factors to keep in mind before investing in Udaipur Real Estate sector. Keeping all of these in mind we at Udaipur Property Group put together some of the best plots/properties to invest in Udaipur.


Where to buy property in Udaipur?

If you are planning to invest in property in Udaipur, or looking for a new place in city to get relocated. You might be limited by aspects such as budget, your wokplace or the location of your child's school. Here we take a quick overview of 5 top areas to stay or invest in Udaipur.

1. New Navratan

New Navratan is definitely one of the most popular family friendly areas in Udaipur. One can find a dream home from flats to spacious villas. New Navratan attracts investers due to nearness to market, hospitals, restaurants and easy connectivity with all the major locations of Udaipur.

There are also plenty of educations institutions at New Navratan.

2 Shobhagpura

One of the most premium residential hub for upper class families in Udaipur. Shobhagpura & Sukher features a collection of villas that are having driving distance from iconic Fateh Sagar Lake.

It is also home of some premier schools and educational institutes including DPS School.

3 Old City - Downtown Udaipur

It is advertised as being “Heart of Mewar” and it certainly seems to be. An undeniable cultural hub, the old city of Udaipur hosts the charm of royal rajputana era, the house of hundreds of handicraft artists.

Old city is main attraction for tourist and investing here is really deal of profit.

4 Sector 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14

All the above mentioned sectors are very popular residential areas in Udaipur. There are excellent schools in the immediate area, as well as clinic and hospital facilities and a compact shopping complex, which includes a selection of cute cafes and restaurants.

Due to high demand residential & commercial plots here, it can come as no surprise that accommodation here commands a hefty price tag. If you are looking to buy in this area, you can expect to pay a fairly large price.

5 Debari/Airport Road/ NH 76

With the convenient connections to the Udaipur City, the airport as well as the highway NH 76. This has become another popular option of real estate buyers of Udaipur. Many years ago, the prices in Debari were much more affordable than elsewhere in the city, and this attracted so many people to invest here.

Prices vary greatly based on the exact location and size of land/plot/flat you are looking for.


Affordable Housing in Udaipur - Udaipur Real Estate Trends

Buying property in Udaipur is easy with the help of right real estate agents by your side. We are working to provide best information on udaipur real estate.

If you are planning to buy a property in Udaipur at affordable rates, you must log on to Udaipur Property Group website/facebook page or facebook groups. We will be there to help you buying property  in udaipur.

Udaipur Property, Property in Udaipur, Affordable, Affordable Housing, Udaipur, Udaipur Real Estate, Plot in Udaipur, Property, Rajasthan, Balicha, Ranpura, Badi, Sector 12, Savina, Debari, Pratapnagar,Since Udaipur is ful of nature and scenic beauty, it is expensive place to have a property, but how far is it true?

You would certainly have a clearer image of the market if you explore various areas and look at the property prices in Udaipur.

Though some areas are highly expensive like polo ground, saheli nagar, moti magri scheme, you can still buy a property in Udaipur at affordable rates in the mid and low-ranged areas.

Here are a few areas with moderate land prices in Udaipuri. Select from among them buy a property at affordable rates.

Sector 12

Not less than a mini town, the Sector 12 spreads over an area of 5 kilometers. It provides its residents with the complete experience of residential and retail experience. This area has everything you need in day to day life including nearness to market, mall, hospital, schools.

Several playgrounds and connectivity to the Airport via Bypass Road further add to the value for this neighborhood.

The average price for a 2 bedroom flat in Sector 12 Udaipur stands between 25 lakh to 35 lakh.

Pratapnagar Extention/Debari

This is one of the places where you can buy most affordable apartments in Udaipur at the lowest price. This area is hotspot of builders developing affordable housing projects. It is well connected with airport with less than 2-12 kilometers of distance.

The average price for an apartment at Pratapngar/Debari lies somewhere between 10 Lakh to 17 Lakh.

Dakshin Vistar Yojna/Balicha, Udaipur

Not as low as Debari, but yet Balicha is among the areas that offer the lowest Udaipur house prices. Balicha is within close proximity to Udaipur main market. The prices for apartments here range from 10 Lakh to 15 Lakh.

Rampura & Badi Village, Udaipur

If you are searching for Farm House for sale in Udaipur, then Badi & Rampura would definitly be a great option for you. These both areas are surrounded by lush grean valley. It offers a wide range of apartments, townhouses, and villas with luxurious amenities within your budget.

The average price for 2 to 3-bed apartments in Rampura & Badi Village Circle ranges between 12 to 20 Lakh.

The prices mentioned above are extracted from Udaipur Property Group online real estate survey. You may visit our website, facebook page and groups to explore the areas to buy a property in Udaipur at affordable rates.


Apartments in Udaipur - Top 3 Areas

When we talk about real estate investments or choosing a new residence to upgrade lifestyle and status, Udaipur offers some of the best options that will blow you mind up.
Appartments in Udaipur, Udaipur Property, Udaipur Real Estate, Property in Udaipur

If you’re planning to buy apartments in Udaipur, you must go ahead without giving it a second thought!

You must be confused, which residential area to choose for buying property in Udaipur, then here is the solution. Udaipur Property Group brings you the top 5 areas to buy flat/apartments in Udaipur.

 Learn about these locations and choose your favorite area to get an apartment at the best rates from Udaipur Property Group.

New Navratan

New Navratan is the area, that gives you everything you need, nearness to market, lakes, entertainment, fun etc. Few of the top-class residential communities between sukhadia cricle to New Navratan are the most prefered area to invest.

It offers you villas and apartments both and is quite famous among Udaipur real estate investors.

Old City Udaipur

Old City Udaipur is of those few destinations in Udaipur that are known to the entire world. It is the most expensive area to invest and it is home of the very famous Lake pichola.

Though finding right property in Old City udaipur is bit tough but this host the old time charm. People from all over the world come to visit Downtown Udaipur.

South Extension Udaipur & Hiran Magri

South Extension Udaipur & Hiran Magri is on 3rd place in our list, known as the fastest develpoing area in Udaipur and one of the most prefered area to live in. Having a combination of several apartments, villas, and townhouses. Families consider it an ideal location due to the availability of all the facilities like schools, hospitals, parks, and nearby shopping malls.

Considering all the aspects, if you’re planning to buy an apartment in Udaipur, then South Extension Udaipur & Hiran Magri would be a good option for you.


Separate house for rent in Udaipur | Rental Properties in Udaipur

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Udaipur Property Group has started rental services with the aim to provide a one stop solution where people can find best house/flat for rent in Udaipur whether they are Student, Tourist, Job Seeker, Employee or Trainee.

We are real estate consulting firm based at Udaipur. We assist you finding the best rental properties for you. You are just one step behind in finding your shelter in udaipur.

Just drop your details and we will reach to you as soon as possible with guaranteed solution.



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