Buy Home in Udaipur Below 50 Lakhs | New House in Udaipur

आज के वीडियो में हम आपके लिए लेकर आए है सेक्टर 14 और तितरडी उदयपुर में 2 बेडरूम वाला एक शानदार यू आई टी कनवर्टेड बीएचके मकान, ये बड़ी बालकनी वाला और बड़ी पार्किंग वाला मकान है जिसका एलिवेशन और डिजाइन बहुत ही मॉडर्न और सुन्दर है। ये एक बैंक लोन एप्रूव्ड आवासीय कनवर्टेड मकान है जो 70% तक लोनेबल भी है। मकान की लोकेशन भी शानदार है जिसके पास आपको एक बड़ी टाउनशिप मिल जाती है तथा यहाँ आपको परिवहन सम्बंधित बस, ऑटो और सारी सुविधाएँ पास में मिल जाती है।

लोकेशन = सेक्टर 14 एवं तितरडी उदयपुर।

सुविधाएँ: इस मकान के आगे पूरे प्लान में आपको 60 फ़ीट, 40 फ़ीट एवं 30 फ़ीट की  चौड़ी डामर रोड मिल जाती है, साथ ही आसपास किराना की दुकाने, सुपरमार्केट, अस्पताल, मेडिकल, रेस्टोरेंट और यातायात की सुविधाएँ मिल जाती है।

साइज = 25×40 (1000 स्क्वायर फ़ीट) कंस्ट्रक्शन: 1200 स्क्वायर फ़ीट यह एक ईस्ट फेसिंग विला है, 3bhk साथ ही पानी बिजली सभी सुख सुविधाओं के साथ।

उदयपुर प्रॉपर्टी ग्रुप की वेबसाइट और यूट्यूब चैनल पर आपको उदयपुर में बिक्री के लिए उपलब्ध सैकड़ों घर और फ्लैट मिलेंगे। हमारे साथ पंजीकरण करें और उदयपुर में बिक्री के लिए नवीनतम ऑफ़र और संपत्ति सीधे अपने फोन पर प्राप्त करें। हमारे हेल्पलाइन नंबर पर फ़ोन करें।


उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण, राजस्थान सरकार - पूर्ण जानकारी

उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण (यूडीए) की मांग की सौगात शहर को मिल चुकी है, राजस्थान विधानसभा में उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण विधेयक पारित हो गया है यूआईटी अब आधिकारिक रूप से उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण हो गया है तथा अब सरकार के आदेश के साथ नगर विकास प्रन्यास (यूआईटी) पर लगा बोर्ड भी बदल दिया गया है, अब से शहर के विकास की पूर्ण जिम्मेदारी उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण (यूडीए) की होगी और अब ये कार्यालय भी उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण (यूडीए) ऑफिस के नाम से जाना जाएगा/ सरकार के गजेट नोटिफिकेशन के अनुसार उदयपुर के आसपास के करीब 45 से 50 किलोमीटर दायरे के 136 गावों को सम्मिलित कर उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण (यूडीए) का गठन किया गया है। भविष्य में आगामी ज़रूरतों को देखते हुए इनमे और नये गाँव को भी राज्य सरकार की अनुमति से जोड़ा जाएगा तथा इन अधिसूचित गाँव के आधार पर ही यूडीए काम करेगा।

Udaipur Development Authority, UDA Udaipur

कैसा होगा उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण का स्ट्रक्चर (Udaipur Development Authority)
1. अध्यक्ष
2. आयुक्त
3. सचिव
4. निदेशक इंजीनियरिंग
5. निदेशक वित्त
6. निदेशक विधि
7. निदेशक आयोजना
8. जोन वाइज उपायुक्त
9. नीचे सेक्शन वाइज अधिकारी व इंजीनियर

वर्तमान में कौन है अधिकारी?

उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण (यूडीए) का पहला अध्यक्ष संभागीय आयुक्त श्रीमान राजेंद्र भट्ट को नियुक्त किया गया है, सचिव के पद पर आरएएस अधिकारी और चेयरमेन के और पर शहर कलेक्टर पदभार संभाल रहे हैं। यूडीए का सम्पूर्ण नियमन होने के पश्चात् शहर को चार जोन के अनुसार बाँट दिया जाएगा और प्रत्येक जोन के प्रथक आयुक्त, सचिव, निदेशक व अन्य पदों पर नियुक्तियां की जाएंगी।

यूडीए होने के बाद कैसे बदलेगी उदयपुर शहर और 280 गांवों की तकदीर?

यूआईटी से यूडीए होने पर सिर्फ नाम में ही बदलाव नहीं हुआ है, इससे शहर और इसकी पेराफेरी में आने वाले 280 गाँव की विकास की नयी राह भी खुलेगी। यूआईटी में अभी करीब 130 गांव आ रहे थे, लेकिन अब यूडीए के गठन से इसके दायरे में 130 गांव अतिरिक्त आएँगे  जिससे गांव की संख्या बढ़कर करीब 280 हो जाएगी।

यूआइटी के पेराफेरी में इतने गाँव थे, जो अब बढ़ कर 280 हो जाएँगे

राजस्व गांव उपखंड कार्यालय
राजस्व गांव गिर्वा: 61
वल्लभनगर: 07
मावली: 23
कुल: 130 (मास्टर प्लान 2031 के अनुसार) (उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण से पूर्व)

विशेषज्ञों का मानना है कि उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण (Udaipur Development Authority - UDA ) के गठन से उदयपुर का नजरिया ही बदल जाएगा। ज़्यादा बजट वाले बड़े प्रोज़ेक्ट यूडीए के स्वयं करने से शहर के विकास में बहुत तेज़ी आएगी और भविष्य में ढेरों संभावनाएं उत्पन्न होंगी।

Udaipur Development Authority - UDA से क्या है ख़ास फ़ायदा

वर्तमान में मौजूद युआईटी का सालाना बजट 250-300 करोड़ रहता है, वहीं प्राधिकरण बनते ही ये बजट 800-1000 करोड़ पहुँचेगा, जो वर्तमान बजट से 300 प्रतिशत ज़्यादा होगा, इससे उदयपुर के विकास में एक नये युग की शुरुआत होगी।

उदयपुर के लिए नई हिल पालिसी बनेगी

उदयपुर शहर की खूबसूरती यहाँ की अरावली की पहाड़ियों में बसी है, जलाशयों में पानी की आवक से लेकर पर्यटन तक सबकुछ इसपर काफी निर्भर है, इसके लिए उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण द्वारा प्रथम सामान्य बैठक में कई महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लिए गए हैं, उदयपुर शहर की आसपास की पहाडियों को अवैध खनन से बचाने के लिए यूआईटी के समय बनी हिल पालिसी को प्रासंगिक नहीं मानते हुए यूडीए के नियम व प्रावधान के अनुसार नई हिल पालिसी तैयार कर राज्य सरकार को भेजी जाएगी।

सीवरेज ट्रीटमेंट प्लांट की क्षमता और प्रणाली का होगा विकास 

शहर के सीवरेज ट्रीटमेंट प्लांट की क्षमता को 100 एमएलडी तक बढ़ाने का प्रस्ताव रखा गया है जिसे भविष्य में आवश्यकता अनुसार बढ़ाया जाएगा, साथ ही पूरे सीवरेज नेटवर्क को प्लान कर नये ट्रीटमेंट प्लांट्स भी स्थापित किये जाएँगे।

एक करोड़ से ऊपर की फाइलें जाती थी जयपुर, अब यहीं मिलेगी स्वीकृति

यूआइटी ट्रस्ट को एक करोड़ रुपए से ऊपर की फाइल स्थानीय स्तर पर स्वीकृत करने की शक्ति नहीं थी, एक करोड़ से ऊपर की फाइल सीधे जयपुर सरकार के पास जाती जिससे उसकी उसकी स्वीकृति में समय लग जाता था, लेकिन अब एक करोड़ रुपए से ऊपर के बजट की फ़ाइल की स्वीकृति भी यूडीए दे पाएगा।

रियल एस्टेट सेक्टर में आएगा बूम - निवेशकों को मिलेगा फ़ायदा

एक्सपर्ट्स का मानना है की उदयपुर विकास प्राधिकरण के बनने से सबसे ज़्यादा फ़ायदा रियल एस्टेट सेक्टर को होगा, चूँकि शहर के विकास का दायरा बढेगा, विकास का बजट भी तीन गुना हो जाएगा, ऐसे में कई नए इलाके आवासीय प्लानिंग और व्यापारिक क्षेत्र के तौर पर उभरेंगे, बड़े और अफोर्डेबल प्रोजेक्ट्स में इज़ाफा होगा, इससे प्रॉपर्टी निवेशकों को अच्छा फ़ायदा मिलने वाला है। आम जनता को भी बेहतर आवासीय प्लॉट्स कम दरों पर उपलब्ध होंगे, नए रोड नेटवर्क के विकास से आवासीय कॉलोनियों में भूखंडों की वैल्यू बढ़ेगी।

सस्ती दरों पर उदयपुर में अच्छी कनवर्टेड प्रॉपर्टी ख़रीदने और प्रॉपर्टी निवेश के लिए आप हमें कॉल कर सकते हैं, फ़ोन +91- 9119119798.

Buy Home in Udaipur Below 25 Lakhs | Udaipur Development Authority

आज के वीडियो में हम आपके लिए लेकर आए है उदयपुर जयसमंद रोड पर डाकन कोटड़ा में 3 बेडरूम वाला 3 बीएचके डुप्लेक्स मकान, इसका एलिवेशन और डिजाइन बहुत ही सुन्दर है। ये एक एग्रीकल्चर मकान है जो लोनेबल भी है। मकान की लोकेशन भी शानदार है जिसके पास आपको एक बड़ी टाउनशिप मिल जाती है तथा यहाँ आपको सारी सुविधाएँ पास में मिल जाती है।

लोकेशन = डाकन कोटड़ा, उदयपुर सलूंबर बांसवाड़ा रोड, तीतरडी, उदयपुर।

सुविधाएँ: इस मकान के आगे पूरे प्लान में आपको 60 फ़ीट, 40 फ़ीट एवं 30 फ़ीट की  चौड़ी डामर रोड मिल जाती है, साथ ही आसपास किराना की दुकाने, सुपरमार्केट, अस्पताल, मेडिकल, रेस्टोरेंट और यातायात की सुविधाएँ मिल जाती है।

साइज = 20×40 (800 स्क्वायर फ़ीट) कंस्ट्रक्शन: 1300 स्क्वायर फ़ीट यह एक वेस्ट फेसिंग विला है, 3bhk साथ ही पानी बिजली सभी सुख सुविधाओं के साथ।

उदयपुर प्रॉपर्टी ग्रुप की वेबसाइट और यूट्यूब चैनल पर आपको उदयपुर में बिक्री के लिए उपलब्ध सैकड़ों घर और फ्लैट मिलेंगे। हमारे साथ पंजीकरण करें और उदयपुर में बिक्री के लिए नवीनतम ऑफ़र और संपत्ति सीधे अपने फोन पर प्राप्त करें। हमारे हेल्पलाइन नंबर पर फ़ोन करें।

3BHK house under 30 lakhs in Udaipur

3 BHK house under 30 lakhs in Udaipur | House for sale in Udaipur

आज के वीडियो में हम आपके लिए लेकर आए है उदयपुर सलूंबर बांसवाड़ा रोड पर एक 3 कमरों वाला डुप्लेक्स एग्रीकल्चर मकान, इसका एलिवेशन और डिजाइन कमाल का है।

लोकेशन = उदयपुर सलूंबर बांसवाड़ा रोड, तीतरडी, उदयपुर।

साइज = 20×50 (100 स्क्वायर फ़ीट)
कंस्ट्रक्शन: 1300 स्क्वायर फ़ीट

यह एक ईस्ट फेसिंग विला है, 3bhk साथ ही पानी बिजली सभी सुख सुविधाओं के साथ।

In this video, I am showing you 3BHK Semi furnished luxurious design agriculture house at Udaipur Salumber Banswara Road area in Udaipur.

Property Details: 
3BHK Semi furnished House
3 bedroom & 3 Bathroom 
2 Modular kitchen
Size - 20×50 (1000 SQFT.)
Facing: East
Construction: 1300 SQFT.
Location: Titardi, Udaipur

Udaipur  Property Group YouTube Channel is a one-stop real estate destination that offers a complete range of luxury Homes, affordable homes, modern house, Interior Design, Architect, Construction and Property for sale in Udaipur.

UIT Converted Residential Plots in Sector 14 Udaipur

Residential Plots in Udaipur - UIT Converted

Location - Sector 14, Nr Balicha Eklingpura 150 Feet Ring Road, Udaipur.
  • Geetanjali Hospital 2 km
  • Nela Lake 500 mtr
  • Govardhan Sagar Lake 3 km 
  • Bus Stand 5 km
  • Airport se 25km
  • Railway station 4.5 km
  • Balicha New Sabji Mandi 1 km
  • UIT Converted Land
  • Dambar Road, Water tanks, Water and electricity.

For Site Visit & Details Call/WhatsApp: +91- 911911 9798

Popular areas to rent apartments in Udaipur - Top Rated

Udaipur is a city renowned for its serene lakes, but it is also a place where the infrastructure is constantly evolving to keep up with the times. Udaipur has many famous buildings where you can rent apartments and enjoy the city's modern amenities.

Apartments,Flats,Rental Properties,Rent in Udaipur,Udaipur,Flats in Udaipur,Properties,Udaipur Property,Property,Rent,

If you're looking to rent a flat in Udaipur for your family, there are many different options available for you to consider. With a wide range of different properties and locations to choose from, you're sure to find something that meets your needs and fits within your budget. Whether you're looking for something spacious and modern or something more traditional and cozy, there's sure to be a property that's perfect for you. So why wait? Start exploring your options today and find the perfect flat for your family in beautiful Udaipur.

Let’s take a look at some of the popular apartment complexes where you can find small, mid-sized, and large flats in the city.


When it comes to the apartments for rent in Udaipur, tenants have plenty of options to choose from. For better understanding, we have divided studio apartments for rent in Udaipur into three categories: small, mid-size, and large flats.
  • The small studio flats for rent in Udaipur cover up to 450 sq. ft.
  • The mid-size category has flats ranging between 1000 sq. ft. and 1500 sq. ft.
  • The covered area of the larger apartments is more than 1500 sq. ft.
You can choose the apartment depending on your budget and space requirements.

For those interested in properties for rent in Udaipur, we have crunched the data and compiled this roundup of the best areas to rent a home in Udaipur.


According to our data, the most popular areas to rent apartments in Udaipur are Hiran Magri, Shobhapura, New Navratan, and Bhuwana. Let’s take a closer look at Udaipur's rental apartments and the facilities they offer.

Hiran Magri, Udaipur

Hiran Magri Udaipur is known for its prime location and facilities. Hiran Magri has become one of Udaipur’s most popular residential communities in just a few decades. Home to many low-rise residential buildings, the neighborhood is close to major public transport routes and urban amenities. This area is best suitable for families and working professionals.

Want to rent an apartment in Hiran Magri? Here are the average prices for different bed types.

  • A studio for rent in Hiran Magri is available for around INR 8k per month.
  • The average asking rent for 1-bedroom apartments in Hiran Magri is INR 12k.
  • On average, you will have to pay around INR 16k per month to rent a 2-bedroom apartment in Hiran Magri.


Shobhagpura is second on our list of areas to rent apartments in Udaipur. Shobhagpura is home to several high-rise buildings with amenities like a swimming pool, a community lawn, and a gym. There is even a spacious rooftop garden where you can host celebrations with your friends and family.

  • Tenants interested in Shobhagpura apartments for rent will need the following financial outlays for their desired units.
  • 1-bed apartments for rent in Shobhagpura will cost you around INR 10k to 13K monthly.
  • You are expected to shell out INR 16k to rent 2-bed apartments in Shobhagpura.
  • Families interested in renting a 3-bedroom flat in Udaipur must spend INR 20k to 25K per month.

New Navratan Complex

New Navratan Complex is the third entry on the list of areas to rent a flat in Udaipur. The complex comprises more than 20 high-rise buildings and offers modern amenities. It has a public garden and the neighbourhood is close to major public transport routes and shopping malls. Suitable for families and young professionals. As it is a pet-friendly neighborhood, residents can take their pets outside for a stroll.

Want to rent in New Navratan Complex, Udaipur? Those interested in apartments for rent in the New Navratan Complex can budget for monthly rents of INR 12k to INR 30k.
  • You can expect to pay INR 12k for a studio for rent in New Navratan Complex.
  • The 2-bedroom flats for rent in New Navratan Complex range between INR 15k to 23K.
  • The average rent for a 2-bedroom flat in New Navratan Complex is INR 25k.


An impressive community, Bhuwana is located near Celebration Mall, approx All residential buildings feature many amenities, including a community hall, basketball courts, a swimming pool, and basement parking. Residents can head to the multiple landscaped gardens outside the district for a leisurely stroll. There are many well-known restaurants near the community, including Hari Vedas, Jaipur Jungle & Dominos.

Families and young professionals can expect to lead a comfortable lifestyle with bus stands, clubs, supermarkets, and restaurants just a short walk away. Almost all societies have CCTV surveillance and security guards who keep a check 24 hours a day.

Want to move to Udaipur? Bhuwana is a good option to rent a flat.
  • The 1-bedroom flats for rent in Bhuwana are available for INR 10K.
  • The 2-bedroom apartments for rent in Bhuwana are priced at INR 12K to 20K.
  • You are expected to shell out around INR 25k monthly to rent a 3-bed flat in Bhuwana.


Fatehpura comprises many residential buildings and ranks as one of the popular areas to rent apartments in Udaipur. It offers many amenities, including a community hall, a cricket ground, a kids’ play area, an open gym, a swimming pool, and a public garden.

Considering all these benefits, renting an apartment in Fatehpura is a good idea. Below are the monthly rental trends for different apartment types in the building:
  • The average price for renting studio apartments in Fatehpura stands at INR 10k.
  • The 2-bedroom flats for rent in Fatehpura have an average price of INR 15k.
  • If you want to rent a 3-bedroom apartment in Fatehpura, you’re looking at an average of INR 20K to 25K.



Other than these top five areas to rent apartments in Udaipur, you find similar facilities and amenities in Panchwati, Govardhan Villas, and Bedla.


Refer to our guide to get a good residential apartment for you, or you can also get our help by calling our helpline number i.e. +91- 911911 9798.

That concludes our guide to the most preferred areas to rent apartments in Udaipur. With its prime location and abundant amenities, the Entire Udaipur city is a perfect place for families, couples, and singletons alike.

Stay tuned to UdaipurPropertyGroup for more updates on the Udaipur real estate market.


Planning to A Buy Property in Dhinkli? Take a look at Pros and cons

The Udaipur property market is a goldmine for people searching for lucrative investment opportunities in southern Rajasthan. Those looking for affordable housing in Udaipur consider Dhinkli as the preferred option. A look at the pros and cons of buying property in Dhikuli or living in, it can help you gain more insight into this developing community.


Dhinkli is a recent residential development in Udaipur, located adjoining Amberi to Debari NH 27 highway. Dhinkli can be an ideal place for prospective buyers and investors looking for affordable properties.

Families, particularly with kids can prefer Dhinkli, amenities including schools, colleges, and hospitals are nearby. Buyers keen on purchasing houses here also have a lot to gain in terms of favorable rental yields.

Furthermore, the access to major roadways and lush green surroundings make this area a highly coveted project.

Rates,Houses,Dhinkli,Price,Real Estate,Plots,Udaipur,Properties,Villas,Pros and Cons, Udaipur Property, Property in Dhinkli Udaipur


The advantages of living in Dhinkli are many.


This residential area is a diverse community having villas, flats, and multi-story buildings. Among the many perks of living here is affordability, especially for working professionals. According to current listings on Udaipur Property Group, the starting price to buy a home in Dhinkli is around 25 Lacs - comparatively less when compared to other areas like Titardi and Pratap Nagar.

Residents of Dhinkli also have the added advantage of ample parking spaces available for each villa. Various facilities including grocery shops, schools, hospitals, retail outlets, ATMs, and gyms are nearby. All the major attractions are within a 10 to 15-minute driving distance from the community.

For investors, the plot and house for sale in Dhinkli can be lucrative investments in the long run. Alternatively, potential investors can also opt for villas. These come with average starting prices of INR 25-30 lacs and with a comparatively high ROI.


Residents with preschoolers can choose to send their little ones to the Anganwadi Kendra Dhinkli. Parents with school-going children can also benefit from the many academic institutions near Dhinkli including Model Public School, Gyan Chetna, and Government School. For those parents having college-going grown-up children, Pacific University, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, and Janardan Rai Nagar University can be good options in search of a University near Dhinkli Udaipur.

Additionally, other institutes like Delhi Public School, Pioneer School, and MDS School are also located in proximity to the development.


The Dhinkli is located between Sukher and the Debari on NH 27 Highway. It takes just ten minutes to either Debari Circle or Sukher Road. One of the reasons for its popularity is also its close proximity to Greater Debari Circle and Pratap Nagar. Hence, whether you are a professional employed by one of the companies in these areas or a student at an educational institute at Pratap Nagar, Debari or Sukher, living in Dhinkli is an attractive proposition.


There is a Reliance SMart supermarket near Dhinkli. Residents can also shop for groceries and everyday items at shops within the community owned by local residents.

The primary health center is the closest medical facility to Dhinkli, located within a 5-minute drive.


As is apparent, the community offers a comfortable lifestyle at an affordable cost. However, while the perks are many, there are a few things to consider before you decide to move in. Here are some potential disadvantages of living in Dhinkli.


While a few bus stops serve Dhinkli, public transport services are limited. The area favors residents who own cars or two-wheeler.


Dhinkli is mainly known for apartment complexes. There are not many ready-to-move-in villa options available in the area either you choose one from the available options or you construct one.


Spending an evening on the lakeside is one of the favorite activities of Udaipur residents. Many tourist spots and famous attractions, such as Fateh Sagar Lake, Sukhadia Circle, Lake Pichola, and Gulab Bagh Garden are located within the old city. However, residents of Dhinkli have to drive for around 20 minutes to reach the nearest tourist attraction.

That’s all we have for you about the pros and cons of living in Dhinkli. We hope our guide helps you in making an informed decision. If you’re looking to rent in Udaipur, our guide to Popular buildings to rent apartments in Navratan might come in handy.

Most popular areas to rent offices in Udaipur

Over the years, Udaipur has strongly established its position as an attractive education, medical and business hub in the southern Rajasthan which is really commendable. Many business owners who belongs to nearby locations also prefer to base their operations in Udaipur due to affordable rents for offices, warehouses and other commercial properties.

If your company wants to expand operations or establish a presence in southern Rajasthan, we can suggest you best areas to rent offices in Udaipur. Searching the right location for your office can help you save time and energy of your employees, while the availability of parking space, restaurants and supermarkets can add to their convenience.

commercial property for rent in udaipur


Our list of top areas to rent an office in Udaipur is is a good place to start your search. Find out which of Udaipur’s districts offer excellent amenities for regional and international companies.


Madhuban known for being the most popular area to rent an office in Udaipur. Located at mid of the city, the area is famous for its easy access and centrally location. Locality has multistory buildings that offer a wide range of commercial spaces and offices. These commercial complexes are generally well-maintained and offer all the amenities required to run a business.

Madhban is located near Chetak Circle, making it an easy commute for anyone who lives or comes to Udaipur. The area is also well-connected by public transport facilities such as city buses and cabs. Madhuban has plenty of restaurants, banks and other amenities on offer.

Madhuban has good amount of inventory of offices with public parking, fully furnished options are also available. The rent for offices in Madhuban average at INR 50k with a price-per-square-foot of INR 50 to 90 for space up-to 1000 square foot..


Shobhagpura offers a wide range of commercial spaces and offices for rent in Udaipur. Important landmarks nearby include Paras JK Hospital and Hyundai Showroom. The area is perfectly suited for showrooms and fashion outlets. You can find several high-rise commercial buildings in the area, with options for fitted and serviced office spaces.

Interested in renting an office in Shobhagpura? These office spaces average at INR 15k in rental costs — with an average price-per-square-foot of INR 120 for space up-to 100 square foot.


Another one of the top areas to rent an office in Udaipur is University Road. The area is home to several coaching centers and cafes. Apart from being close to the old city, finding public transportation in University Road is a fairly hassle-free experience.

Looking to rent an office at University Road? The monthly rentals here average at INR 15k, with a price-per-square-foot of INR 150 for space up-to 100 square foot.

Those in search of furnished offices for rent in Udaipur may also find good options at University Road.


Those in search of affordable offices to rent in Udaipur may also consider Hiran Magri. The area is perfectly suited for startups and working professionals due to easy connectivity with other areas and affordability.

You can rent an office in Hiran Magri for an average of INR 6k. The price-per-square-foot for office spaces in this area averages INR 40. Villas can also be rented in Hiran Magri, choose best option after reading about Popular areas to rent villas in Hiran Magri, Udaipur.


Last but not the least, Industrial Area is another one of the popular places to rent offices in Udaipur. A prime industrial location near city makes it ideal for businesses like factories and manufacturing plants, area is well connected to national highways. Furthermore, it is best for warehouse rentals.

If you are into manufacturing and wholesale business, Industrial Area could be a good option, as it offers affordable rents. The average price-per-square-foot for rent is INR 15 to 20 while the offices for rent in Industrial Area are available for an average monthly rent of INR 10k to 20K.



If you’re looking sutable office for your company in Udaipur or want to invest in commercial properties, our guide to commercial property in Udaipur will help you start your search for a suitable space, Here you can get a better idea of popular neighbourhoods, rents and sales prices and expected ROI for commercial properties in Udaipur.

This wraps up our list of the top areas to rent offices in Udaipur. Above mentioned areas can also be good options for furnished offices in Udaipur, depending on availability.

Stay tuned to UdaipurPropertyGroup for more updates on the Udaipur’s property market!

Popular areas to rent villas in Hiran Magri, Udaipur

Planning to rent a house in Udaipur? Hiran Magri is one of the most popular areas in the Udaipur. This area offers budget-friendly, modern houses in lush, green surroundings having all facilities nearby. Here is a list of the popular communities to rent a house in Hiran Magri.


Hiran Magri is a relatively newer development in Udaipur that offers easy access to schools, colleges, hospitals, supermarkets, grocery stores, coaching classes, gyms, and public parks.

Popular hangout places including Govardhan Sagar Lake, Lake Pichola, Pannadhay Park and Dudh Talai lie less than a 20-minute drive away from these areas.

rent villas in hiran magri udaipur


Let’s learn about the most popular communities to rent a home in Hiran Magri, Udaipur.


As per the market trends, it is observed that Sector 14 is the most popular place to rent a house in Hiran Magri. The sub-community offers convenient access to New Sabji Mandi, Govardhan Sagar Lake, Udaipur Ahmedabad Road, South Extention and Old City.

The area has English medium schools including Oxford English school, government hospitals, clinics, public parks, supermarkets, grocery stores, playgrounds, hotels and restaurants.

If you’re interested in renting a house in this cluster, you must expect to pay around INR 13k-20K to rent a 2-bedroom house in Udaipur.


Located along Udaipur Ahmedabad Road (NH 48), Sector 11 is the second-most preferred community to rent villas in Hiran Magri. The sub-community offers all facilities such as good schools, supermarkets, gyms, public parks and banks.

Houses in sector 11 are modern designed. Thinking of renting a villa in this cluster? You can get a 2-bedroom villa for rent in Sector 11 for INR 15K to 20K per month.


Apart from the aforementioned clusters, you can consider renting a house in South Extension - the third popular sub-community of Hiran Magri, Udaipur.

South Extension udaipur is being popular and affordable residential area now a days. The area offers easy access to hospitals, fitness centres, dedicated kids’ play areas, and educational institutions including Indo American School and IIM Udaipur.

The homes in the sub-community are spacious and newly built. The starting cost of a 2-bedroom villa for rent in South Extension is around INR 8k per month.



Hiran Magri is a relatively newer development in Udaipur. This is an ideal place for those looking for a tranquil residential area in the city. If you plan to move there, factor in the pros and cons of living in Hiran Magri to make a well-informed decision.


Yes, you can purchase houses in Hiran Magri. The community has an abundance of 2-bedroom houses offering excellent amenities. This concludes our guide to the best areas to rent a house in Hiran Magri. Part of new development these areas are considered among the most popular villa communities in Udaipur.

Alternatively, you can consider these areas to rent or buy properties in Udaipur.

For more information and updates about property developments in the Udaipur, stay tuned to UdaipurPropertyGroup.

Pros and cons of living in Hiran Magri in Udaipur

Hiran Magri is one of the most sought-after residential areas in Udaipur. Offering various tourist attractions and multi-purpose facilities for residents. If you are considering moving to this popular area, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide covering all the pros and cons of living in Hiran Magri in Udaipur.


The best part about living at Hiran Magri is that you will always have something to do. There are numerous cafes and restaurants near Govardhan Sagar Lake such as Sabri, etc. The activities near the lake are also amazing. You can enjoy a romantic date at any nearby rooftop restaurant or enjoy a luxurious boat ride, or shop at luxury brands and high-fashion stores on any of 100 Feet Road.

pros and cons of living in hiran magri udaipur

Hiran Magri is also within close proximity to popular entertainment zones in Udaipur like Reliance S Mart, Vishal Mega Mart, Chetal Mall, Sukhadia Circle, and the Fateh Sagar Lake, which have great dining options and recreational activities.


Hiran Magri offers excellent amenities to residents, such as supermarkets, small independent marts, and convenience stores. You can also easily find banks, pharmacies, and well-known clinics.


If you want to live in a neighborhood that offers beautiful apartments with breathtaking views, then moving into Hiran Magri Udaipur is the best idea. There is a beautiful man-made lake surrounded name Govardhan Sagar and Nela by high-rise apartments. The reason why most of the flats for rent in Hiran Magri come with stunning mountain and lake views.

The apartment rentals here range from studios to larger 3bhk units. Many buildings have facilities like swimming pools, gyms, saunas, steam rooms, and 24-hour security. To find out which towers offer the best flats for sale, call us at +91- 9119119798.


It is also a popular pet-friendly community in Udaipur, so you can take your pet out for a walk on the pathways. However, make sure to check with the agents and landlord before moving in with your pet pooch, as some buildings or apartments may not allow pets. All of these factors combined, make Hiran Magri one of the best places for families in Udaipur.


Living in Hiran Magri means getting all the perks of living in Panchwati at a much lower price. It is easily accessible and close to all of Udaipur's popular business centers including Udaipur Krishi Upaj Mandi, Subcity Center, Lodha Complex, Mangalam Fun Square, Durga Nursery Road, and Bapu Bazaar.

The proximity to these popular business hubs makes it the perfect place for working professionals as it allows for an easy commute to work.


Another great thing about living in Hiran Magri is that it is well connected to local transport. There is a huge city bus stand located at Hiran Magri Sector 9 and the Udaipur City Railway Station is located in close proximity to this area. Hiran Magri is also well serviced by Udaipur City Bus Routes, which means you can easily find a bus for transportation to any other area of Udaipur.


It is clearly visible, this locality offers a affordable living. However, while the advantages are many, but there are a few things to consider before you decide to move in. Here are some potential disadvantages of living in Hiran Magri.


Hiran Magri has everything residents can want from a good locality. However, it is quite far from old city and the many major markets such as chetak and hathipole in Udaipur. While this might be disappointing to some residents.


Since the area is still under development, it may be difficult to have access to public transportation for the residents of Hiran Magri, However city buses are started but for now, the area is best suited for people who have their own vehicles.



Hiran Magri is a part of new extension. It lies adjacent to police line, Ahmadabad road and sevashram.


If you are looking to buy a property in Udaipur, the financial outlay would be lower than in most other Udaipur areas. Prospective tenants will also be happy to know that this is popular and more affordable compared to other neighborhoods in the city for rent in Udaipur.

That is all we have for you on the pros and cons of living in Hiran Magri, Udaipur. It is a one of the most popular locality to raise a family with properties available at reasonable rates.

Stay tuned to UdaipurPropertyGroup for more updates on the Udaipur’s property market!


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